UCampus Group | One Word to Uplevel Your 2025

Dec 18, 2024
One Word to live by


Dear Difference Maker,


Tis' the season for making plans for the following year. And whether we like it or not, 2025 is right around the corner. As you are making goals and plans for the year to come, I want you to consider...




It's commonly known that many people make New Year's resolutions they cannot keep through out the year due to busy schedules. On top of that, if you're like me, once you break your New Year's resolutions, it is challenging to pick it back up again.


Instead, have you considered picking ONE WORD to live by for the year. In other words, do you want to focus on finding HAPPINESS or JOY in everything you do? Do you want to take steps towards GROWTH in your personal or professional life? Is there something you want to ACHIEVE or CREATE?


My very first ONE WORD back in 2017 was CREATE. That year, I became very conscious of my thoughts, habits, and choices because each choice creates an outcome, whether positive or negative.


Here are a few more words to consider. Pick one that works for you.




Truly the list could go on and on. Think about your life and an area you'd like to focus on. Or even better, find a word that may include various areas in your life such as your career, family, and health. By choosing an intentional word to drive your thoughts, actions, and habits, each and every day, you will find you will begin to embody that word in everything you do.


There is a fantastic book by Jon Gordon called One Word That Will Change Your Life that correlates to this principle, and it is the book that sparked my new annual tradition.


On top of just picking a ONE WORD my family and I choose to paint our word on a canvas that we are able to see as a reminder of what we intend to focus on that year. If you did not want to paint your word, you could put it on a bracelet or as your phone or computer background. Some people even write it on their bathroom mirrors. The choice is yours.


Have fun with it! Don't be too hard on yourself, yet you'll be amazed at how it will positively impact your life throughout the year. Cheers to a terrific year ahead!

                                                           The UCampus Group Team

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