You Get to Be the Difference in Everything You Do!

Jul 19, 2024

Hello Difference Makers!


Your role as a facility administrator comes with great responsibility.  

  • √ Your staff expects you to show up to lead, support, and guide them
  • √ Your residents are counting on you to provide them with quality care and attention
  • √ Your residents' families rely on you to ensure their family member's needs are met

...And that is not even the tip of the iceberg! Am I right? We all know you have a running to-do list that seems to be growing faster than you can check things off of it. Between hiring and training new staff members, managing billing, staying updated on policies and procedures, and ensuring all records are accurate, there is often not enough time to take on one more task.


Yet, everyone is looking to you to step into the leadership role they want and need you to fulfill. Leadership is a commitment, and what sets great leaders apart from mediocre leaders is their intentional focus on leading with a "WE" mentality instead of a "ME" mindset.


Jon Gordon, author of The Energy Bus, states that there are three C's that set good leaders apart from great ones- communicate, coach, & care.

#1 Communicate 


People want a leader they can trust; strong communication builds just that. Trust generates commitment to your facility's purpose and vision.  When individuals are committed to what they're doing, it fosters teamwork and the willingness to jump in and complete tasks for the group's good.  Committed teams get things done and deliver results.   When leaders leave out details, appear unavailable, or do not keep an open line of communication, they create a void. Where there is a void, negativity and worry are the first to fill it.

#2 Coach (Your Team)

It is one's natural inclination to want to be and do better, but when immersed in a negative environment or surrounded by individuals who do not support or believe in you, one has to work extra hard to rise to the occasion.  


As a facility administrator, it is your role to mentor, develop, and guide your staff. Coach and encourage them to do and be better, whether it is through a short conversation, email, or during a meeting. Your positive words are priceless. Providing your team with bits of motivation and encouraging them to grow personally and professionally will pay off in huge returns.


                         We remember the people in our lives who invest in us.

Think back about someone in your life who truly invested and supported you.  Was it a teacher, athletic coach, parent or sibling, aunt or uncle, coworker, or boss of yours?  How did your thoughts and actions change based on knowing you had someone who genuinely or truly cared.  Did you step up to the plate more?  Take on additional responsibilities?  Or find yourself going above and beyond the typical call of duty?

Leadership is not about being great, but rather, it is the ability to bring out greatness in others.  Leadership is a trickle effect.  When they know you are investing in them, they will invest in you, your facility, and your residents.

#3 Care

How can you demonstrate to your staff that you genuinely care about them?  Do you recognize them for their impact or their role at your facility?  Showing sincere appreciation fuels the inner soul to keep going.  We all know working at a healthcare facility is not a glamorous job. Still, it is essential and makes a difference in so many people's lives.  Your willingness to point out what's going well and to say "thank you" goes a long way. 

According to Jon Gordon's research, the #1 reason employees quit is that they do not feel appreciated. The opposite is true, too. The #1 reason employees stay is based on their relationship with their boss, team, or mentor when they feel appreciated and valued.

Sometimes, as leaders, we have to LOVE tough… and that's okay because you care. Sometimes, we have to be the driving force to make change happen, although when it is done with love and with the right intentions, at the end of the day, if your staff knows you genuinely care, they'll respect your actions and decisions.


Remember, people will follow a leader first and the vision second. When you invest in your staff and commit to building a connection with them, you'll get sincere buy-in. As a leader, you can make a difference in the lives of your staff members (and residents) by showing you care.

"You are never too small to make a difference." —Greta Thunberg


        We know you've got this!


-The UCampus Group Team

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